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    9.0 HD中字




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      The film (and the acting) is superbly done, but the story is intense. I like it for its' dark, thick, "Cul du Sac" psychology but it is certainly not for everyone for that very reason. Set in isolated, rural France makes this film all the more desperate.  The film is about strenuous relationships, loyalty - and despair. It is about accepting hardships without really understanding them. It is also about pity and how it is to be distinguished from love and admiration. I've seen many French films with the same intensity and I'm guessing that it will be mostly the French who will enjoy this film.  The acting is superb in this film – if you're in the right state of mind and don't loose your concentration. Jean-François Stevenin ALWAYS impresses me. He doesn't disappoint me here either. For general audiences, however, I'd recommend his performance in "Deux Lions au Soleil" which is much more easily palatable than "Peux de Vaches".  Despite the fact that I like "Peux de Vaches", I have difficulties recommending it to anyone other than French audiences and perhaps someone with a morose demeanor.


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    • 2.0 HD中字 细毛家屋场甲申阴阳界 大陆剧情片
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    • 7.0 HD中字 奋斗的乔伊 詹妮弗·劳伦斯,罗伯特·德尼罗,埃德加·拉米雷兹,布莱德利·库珀,戴安·拉德,维吉妮娅·马德森,伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼,达丝莎·坡兰科,伊丽莎白·霍尔姆,苏珊·卢琪,劳拉·怀特,莫里斯·贝纳德,唐娜·米尔斯,吉米·让-刘易斯,约翰·伊诺斯三世,埃里卡·麦克德莫特
    • 10.0 贫民窟家族乐活渡难关 种族情深 阿尔法·沃德,戴尔里·林多,斯派克·李

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